Sunday, June 17, 2012

Underwater Lights

Soterion has had underwater lighting for a while now (technically they are on-water lights as they are not mounted below the waterline but have the same effect without putting holes in the boat under water).  The lights make the yacht more visible at night as well as attract sea creatures such as minnows, tarpon, sea-rays, and squid.

We recently installed color-changing LED lights in the bow area.

That got me thinking that our tender needed lights as well.

These are also color-changing LEDs.

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  1. that's pretty dope. i've been meaning to do something similar on my bicycle. that is, mount lights aiming down on the pavement so that cars can see me better in low light situations. (it's better than dotting their eyes with a head lamp or other light.) cool stuff.

  2. Great pictures! Thank you! I found some more on this website:
